Miss Hannah Kelly, the leader of the Kaplan orphanage gave birth to this little bundle of joy this rotation. The girl's name is Patricia, she's completely healthy and thriving and is looking forward to either being adopted by a wealthy PirriBeach family or growing up in the orphanage as Ms. Kelly signed the papers for giving her up for adoption as soon as the birth was done. If you're considering adding to your family by adoption, please stop by at the orphanage. Patricia is not the only one waiting for a forever family.

Valonic high priestess Aurora Valon gave birth to a little girl finally this rotation. She's happy to announce mother and child are alright. Little Sabrina hasn't been photographed yet but her mother is positive the girl will follow her own footsteps as soon as she's a teenager. Congratulations Ms. Valon!

In Vezz haven the younger priestess Gabriella Garcia Rupio and daughter Anna were happy to welcome baby Barbara to the family. Congratulations to mother and big sister and unknown father of little Barbie!

The famous Easton family welcomes Ms. Noemi Easton, daughter of Sean and Kayla, little sister to Samuel. The family is delighted the little girl arrived healthy and content as Mrs. Easton had a very hard pregnancy and felt quite doomed to stay on the couch the whole time. Congratulations to the Eastons, young and old!

At the young Svenssons, Mrs. Cheryl gave birth to this alert little guy. His name is Abraham and he's welcomed by head of house Olaf, his wives Mary and Cheryl and big brother Noah. Congratulations to the Svenssons and enjoy bonding time with your new addition!
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