Standing on the doorstep I turned around and took this picture of the small village. As you can see there's not much there. A small church, a few cabins...and that's about it. You start to wonder why a rich heir like John Easton would choose Aura Lake of all places to start a family...
When I rang the doorbell an agitated Mr. Easton opened. "Dr. Watson? Oh no...where's the doctor?"...
He invited me in and it turned out his young wife had gone into labour this exact morning!
They were waiting for the doctor but he never arrived, probably because of the snow. Mrs. Easton sat on the bed, clearly in pain but Mr. Easton and I tried to stay calm and encourage her to breathe properly.
Suddenly Mrs. Easton jumped from the bed and even I began to hope the doctor would arrive very, very soon!
She kept clutching her stomach and huffing and groaning like crazy. Then she knelt back down on the bed and before we could do anything, delivered a screaming little Sim to the world! A girl! I had the honour to cut the cord and after that Mr. Easton took the little girl to the bathroom, washed and dressed her and presented her to his wife and myself.
It seems Mr. and Mrs. Watson are very happy to live in Aura Lake but when I saw Mrs. Watson's rounded belly I told them I was already late before Editorial final and left before they had a chance to surprise me with another birth!
I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did. I wish you a good day. - A.D. - foreign reporter
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