We're starting this issue with a report of a domestic violence incident in the Svensson house. Teenage daughter Liv Svensson called Mr. Sean Easton as there's no police station in Pirri Beach yet and reported her father for assaulting her mother Pinja. Mr. Easton immediately went over and calmed the family down. He advised couples counseling and is currently studying it himself so he can help the breaking Svensson family with their quarrels.

At the old Easton house foster son Gavin Valon transitioned to a teen and look how handsome he is! Congratulations Mr. Valon and may your teenage days be fun!

This is a rare picture of the Grim Reaper inviting Mrs. Natasha Simmons to the eternal party in SimHeaven. We'll all remember her like this, a cocktail in one hand, an anticipating smile on her face and more than willing to go the distance! *snickers*

Here we see Mrs. Stefanie Kelly (former Easton) and her 'girl's club' in the park while they were discussing their latest health issues. It seems it didn't help much as the two ladies to the left (Mrs. Elisabeth Kaplan and Mrs. Mhaire Garcia Rupio) had to depart to SimHeaven shortly after this picture was taken. May you rest in peace, ladies and may Mrs. Kelly find new friends for her club soon.

Probably these two? It's Mrs. Athena Simmons (pregnant with little Nophi) to the left and Mr. Simmons' new wife Adriana to the right. Congratulations to the Simmonses in this place. The new Mrs. Simmons is currently trying to befriend the children of her spouse and is doing well so far.

At the young Svensson's, little Noah had his birthday and look how handsome he is! His mother is still at Vezz island college but his father Olaf and second wife Cheryl who just returned home are taking good care of the little guy and cheer him up whenever he misses his mom. Congratulations Noah and it's just one more year to go until you get your mother back!

In Vezz Haven City Valonic priestess Gabriella Garcia Rupio started teaching her daughter Anna the ways of the priestesses. The girl is still undecided though and her mother understands that well. She's having a hard time herself at the moment as all her wishes seem to center arround marriage and more children. We'll see how this works out...

Natalie Simmons, who's in her fourth year at Vezz Island college, is more busy with dating currently as with her actual studies. We don't know who the handsome man in the picture is but he'd sure make a great match for her...if he passes the immigration tests...

Next door young Mr. Easton, Carlotta Garcia Rupio and Lizzie Kaplan are discussing more serious matters. John fell in love with Carlotta but dreads to go back home to Pirri Beach to marry her and live the predestined life of an Easton man. He's contemplating buying land somewhere far away and starting his own community with his own rules and far away from the polygamist Eastonic cult. We'll keep you updated on his plans.

Congratulations to Mrs. Cheryl Svensson who graduated cum laude in Drama. She went back home to her husband's house and is currently busy raising his son Noah.

The men in the Garcia Rupio house are trying their best to deal with the loss of Mhaire. Colin came to love his foster mother a lot and is very sad...
...but it seems that even though he didn't marry her out of love Mr. Garcia Rupio misses her more than he expected, now that she's gone. We hope he'll find a way to enjoy the remaining time of his life without her.
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