The young Easton family is adjusting well to their new addition Samuel. Though she didn't think it it turned out Kayla is a perfect mother and more than ready to take over the job as the family's 'Mama'. She'll have to as Sean was forced to take over the family business due to his nephew John wandering off to college...

The same goes for their neighbours, the young Svensson's. Mr. Svensson was gracious enough to send both of his wives to college for a higher education and thus had to take over some other kind of 'family business', namely son Noah!

The two 'men', left on their own, are doing great and to us it seems enjoy the time bonding. It's quite uncommon these days to have a father spend time with his son like this. Olaf's wives must be very happy ladies.

Meanwhile Priestess Gabriella Garcia Rupio left the Valonic headquarters to move downtown with her little daughter Anna. Thanks for sending in this picture of the precious little lady! It seems they're adjusting well to their new surroundings. Unknown is the reason for leaving Aurora Valon's house but rumour has it it has to do with Ms. Valon's new pregnancy. We'll keep you updated.

The Simmons house lost a roommate when Natalie decided to act against her father's wishes and went to college. She's studying psychology and is doing well so far. Her connection to John Easton granted her a room in the famous Easton dormitory and she's quite happy to be there.

Things do definitely not look so good for the Kaplan family. While son Mohammed was connecting to the neighbour's children (in the picture: Liv Svensson) desaster hit in the house.

President Mustafa Kaplan and wife Elizabeth found his second wife Alexandra dead in the hallway. The weapon that obviously shot her lay right next to the dead body and in front of little Ms. Sherazade Kaplan's high chair. The whole family is treated by psychologists but the crime is not yet resolved. It couldn't possibly have been suicide?

What have these little eyes seen? Sherazade was the only eyewitness to whatever happened to her mother but she hasn't learned to talk yet so the officers were not successful in getting something out of her. We'll keep you informed on the matter. Our heartfelt condolences to the devastated family. Rest in peace, Mrs. Alexandra Kaplan.

John Easton decided to study classical dance. Much to his mother's grief he did not move in to the Easton dormitory but resides in the 'The art of arts'-dormitory next door in Vezz Island college. Well, though this is not the classical decision for an Easton boy we wish the very best to young Mr. Easton. May his dreams come true.

To end this issue with a happier matter we'll show you the first picture of Mrs. Stefanie Kelly (was: Easton) and her new spouse Michael. Mere days before her transition to an elder Mrs. Kelly gave birth to a little girl, Sarah. It's assumed that Mr. Kelly is the father of the girl so she has his last name. The living family has approved of Mrs. Kelly's new spouse but the original Easton marriage settlement requires the wife of an Easton to move out of the Easton house as soon as their youngest common child turns to an adult if said wife remarries. As Eva is not a teenager yet, the question isn't soon to arise.
2 Kommentare:
Oooh, mystery...There isn't a cop in Pirri Pirri to investigate, either, is there?
Not yet! Ms. Simmons has the lifetime wish of becoming captain hero so there's one on the way! :D
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