Stefanie Easton came to Pirri Beach for journalistic reasons. She wanted to write an essay about secluded modern society but underestimated the power of finding 'Mr. Three Bolts'. When she first met Miron Easton it was love at first sight and he soon moved in to her little apartment on high street. Of course she already knew his parents and adopted brother from the immigration tests and despite her journalistic reservation liked especially 'Mama' a lot.
Harold Easton approved and soon after Stefanie and Miron got married in the first Eastonic church of Vezz island. She's his husband's only wife and appreciates the fact very much.
As of now Stefanie gave birth to three kids (Mary, John, Eva) and helped raise Mirons adopted brother Sean and little Gavin Valon and is the current 'Mama' of the Easton family.
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