Olaf Svensson

Olaf wasn't happy to leave Simdinavia behind. He missed his friends and school and the language he grew up with a lot. When he realized Pirri Beach's female overpopulation his view on the move changed though. He fell madly in love with Gabriella Garcia Rupio and planned an marrying her as soon as he could afford it. He was really depressed when he realized she was to become a Valonic priestess and didn't date any other girl for a long time after getting to know the facts.

But he wouldn't be a Svensson if he hadn't found ways of dealing with it. He dived into college head over heels and studies Sim-psychology now. He's dating Cheryl Kaplan at the moment and through her discovered the Eastonic cult. It's only days since he converted but he already plans on becoming an Eastonic prophet and having at least three wives and hoards of children. Secretly though he's still hurt and hopes for Gaby to change her mind...the power of three bolts is never to be underestimated.

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